COVID19 cases are continuing to rise across the UK as well as in other countries.
In accordance with the government press release yesterday, we will be closing both our pub, restaurant, bed and breakfast and self-catering cottages with effect from 10.00pm on Wednesday 4th November until Wednesday 2nd December 2020. We will continue to update our website on any changes to this .
(We will in accordance with legislation and exemptions provide accommodation as we are allowed to key workers etc).
Wednesday 4th November we will still be doing our Pizza and a drink alongside our normal menu.
We would ask (in light of our reduced capacity to maintain social distancing) that you to call and book a table on 01692 535391.
The White Lady is good to go…
Updated: 20/10/2020
Following the government announcement which legally came into effect today Monday 14th September 2020, we regret that we are not allowed to accept any table bookings for parties exceeding six people. All our customers must also be prepared to provide contact details in line with the latest legal requirements as a condition of entry as well as wearing a mask/face covering at all times other than when seated at a table to eat or drink. Please assist us by remaining seated at your table, if your need to use the facilities please wear your mask. Please do not approach other tables other than the one you are seated at.
We confirm we have complied with the government's guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19. We have completed a COVID risk assessment, a copy of which is available upon request,
So, what does this mean for you our guests and customers...?
All of our staff will be washing their hands more frequently.
We have calculated the maximum number of customers that can reasonably follow social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) including indoor and outdoor spaces.
We have reconfigured our seating and tables to maintain social distancing (2m or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) .
We are providing you with clear guidance on symptoms, social distancing and hygiene to all persons before you enter, we have posters which we would ask you to read before you enter (copy below)
We will manage the entry/exit to the premises - the main front door will be entrance only, the side door is the exit, the rear door will be an exit for those using the patio/garden. A one-way system will be in place as far as possible with signs reminding people to maintain distance and what routes to use.
We will be asking you to sanitise your hands (sanitiser will be provided) as you enter. Hand sanitiser will be available throughout the premises.
If you bring your children, you are responsible for supervising them at all time & ensure that you all follow social distancing guidelines.
If the weather becomes inclement, unfortunately, we may not be able to shelter everyone unless social distancing can be maintained.
We have made arrangements concerning our deliveries to ensure social distancing is in place and to reduce interaction with our staff.
We will take orders from you at your table; staff will wear face masks . Disposable menus will be provided, which we will ask you to either take with you to reuse in the future or to dispose of in our clearly marked bins. Some menus may be laminated, your server will take these from you to ensure they are sanitised after every use.
Cutlery and condiments will be provided to you at your table; condiments sachets have replaced bottles. Your server will clear your table so that glasses, cutlery, plates etc. can be taken directly to the kitchen for immediate washing.
We will have screens on the bar at the till and our corded payment card machines to protect you and us. We would ask customers to pay by contactless payment where possible. We have also acquired a mobile card machine to be able to take payments from you at the table as necessary.
Gatherings around the till card machine and bar will not be allowed.
We have increased our cleaning schedules in terms of rooms, cottages and the pub taking into account all frequently touched surfaces. Toilet doors in the pub will be propped open to allow airflow & paper towels and marked bins for disposal of the towels are provided.
Signs are in place reminding all customers and guests of the importance of hand-washing and handwashing techniques.
As a requirement of entry, all guests and customers will be required to provide their name and a contact number for the purposes of track and trace.
We are excited to be open & we want to remain open, we hope you will be patient with us in these new and unprecedented times.
We look forward to seeing you all, safely.
Thank you,
The White Lady Team